I said,"It sucks when you find out that you rat has mites!
When i found out my rats had mites, i didnt know what to look for, i didnt even know they
have them. I noticed there were scratches on my Sockies shoulder blades and chest/ throat. Then on all my other rats
(Sugar, Cheeky and Lizzie) it started to happen. I didnt think it was bad or anything. I thought it was from barbering or
them getting into fights. I also started to notice that they were scratching more and more each day".
"When Lisa came over she told me that her boys ( James, Kowrat, Tini and Roddy) all had mites,
or at least she thought so. Yes, hers and mine all had mites! It is a very disgusting thing, mites. When rats scratch at the
mites they tend to scratch to far into the fur and open up the skin, Then a scab forms over telling you the wound is healed.
More and more of these scabs will appear as long as you leave the mites on".
is what the vet said, "Ecto-parasites (small to human's naked eye) are the external parasites that infect all living
creatures. Those that infect rats and mice most are lice and mites. Sometimes, even though it is less common, we see infestations
of fleas, flies, or ticks, but since the main ones to affect our pets are lice and mites; this article is only about those
nasty critters. Once your pets are infected by external parasites, it can be difficult to treat them successfully, but it
isn’t impossible. It is important to understand the life cycle of parasites in order to successfully treat your pets
and keep those pesky bugs off of them".
can treat the pests using formulas and shampoos, you can also take them to the vet to get a shot that kills them *expensive
shampoo has to have Ivermectin or Propylene Glycol.
200 mcg to 400 mcg/kg, repeat in 8-10 days.
0.2 mg/kg 7days x 3 weeks".
The following dosing instruction contributed by C.Himsel-Daly DVM.
When having to dilute Ivermectin. Dilute the 1%
solution (which is the injustable used for cattle) with propylene glycol 1:10. Take 1ml averment and mix with 9 ml PG; diluting
it from a 10mg/ml solution to a 1mg/ml solution, and dose at 200-400 mcg/kg. This makes it more accurate for the really small